I would love to write a profound story, blog or article about the below picture. I would love to show my intellect and superior writing skills given my lack of writing experience. I’m sure many, if not all, would love to read what is on my mind concerning this horrific sight. I cannot put that into words, or this would never get published. Sometimes seeing is believing and describing what happened to this innocent young man, Emmett Till, does not compare to what your eyes show you.
Pictures are a way of fossilizing history. They show what was, what happened in the past if only seconds in the past. Please take your time and digest history as it should be viewed.
I am not going to debate the Black Lives Matter agenda or whether I am for or against it. What we need to remember is this young man died August 28, 1955 at the age of 14. He died because he was young, small, outnumbered, black and defenseless. His white murderers later bragged about killing him. They were found innocent by a 12 white man jury and could not be charged twice due to Double Jeopardy.
It is pictures like this that remind us that this was not so long ago. There is a fear among many in the black community. A fear that it might be possible for this to happen again. The recent protests developed from that fear and turned into anger. Anger can be like a drug. It makes people do what they would not do if sober. Sometimes the only way to get people to listen is to act. I do not agree that rioting is the answer. In fact, I believe it smothers the original agenda. I cannot and do not speak for all blacks (African Americans). I realize that if there is no purposeful conversation about what many people think and feel, we all will share in a segregated country. A thriving economy will not survive in an isolated society. Whether you agree or disagree with your neighbors, coworkers, lovers or friends we better get real. Destroying property, stealing and assaulting others is a very fast way to segregation. Businesses will not stay where they are not welcome.
Emmett was killed by two white men in Mississippi in 1955. There are countless murders happening to young black males by black males on a daily basis. It is obvious that many police officers have an ego chip as well as very poor training. At the same time, not all black men kill young black males. And that police officer you think you hate, might be the one who pulls you from your burning car with seconds to spare.
Having differences is ok. We need to have differences. That helps us grow and understand the other side. Just remember there are so many other cultures, races, religions and societies that have incredible horrendous, gruesome and sick stories to share. Respect, that although we, the black community, has seen a lot of shit, we ain’t alone. Let’s not have any more deaths like Emmett Till and realize the vast majority of people are not racist. Prejudice sure, but not racist. We all prejudge almost all the time on a daily.
RIP Emmett.